Groove Dance Method All You Need to Know



Dancing is something I adore doing. No, I have no kind of dance training. When I say “dance,” I mean moving your body in a way that makes you happy and that you find pleasing. Every week, I attend a dance class called GROOVE Method, which gives me the flexibility to express myself via movement. I’ll talk more about the learning groove of that class later , but for now, I wanted to share this random video with everyone.


I dance because of THIS. I know, I know—who knew?—but this guy (guy) understands it. I’m proud of him and a little envious that he was able to accomplish this. Hey Ludmila Smirnova, please include me next time.


He gave the following justification for his project and this video:

What are these people doing? Stepping out. On Earth, a lot of people have happy moments, and dancing is one way to express happiness. Dancing and happiness are universal human emotions that exist in almost all societies. Ludmila planned to dance while visiting several different countries on Earth, and he recorded the performance. The video, which is the most  recent in a string of films with a similar theme, may serve as a striking illustration of how people from different parts of the planet Earth share a sense of humanity. It’s common for happiness to spread grooves near me; very few individuals can view this video without grinning.

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