Stichting Bouwresearch All You Need to Know 


Stichting Bouwresearch

Stichting Bouwresearch (SBR) is an independent Dutch research center focused on innovation and sustainability in the construction industry. 

Making an Impact

While innovation is crucial, SBR research strives for real-world impact. Their work covers pressing themes like circularity, digitalization, renovation and maintenance, helping construction become more sustainable both environmentally and economically. Concepts developed at SBR are implemented in buildings across the Netherlands and beyond, creating tangible value.

A Greener Tomorrow

Creating a more sustainable built environment is central to SBR’s research strategy. They advise governments about achieving energy and circularity goals, provide data on the environmental impact of materials, and develop nature-inclusive construction solutions. With climate change an urgent threat, SBR’s work is driving the industry’s green transition.

Stronger Together

SBR manages multidisciplinary national and international projects, unifying key players around shared objectives. They also facilitate extensive knowledge exchange programs, workshops and networks. By strengthening bonds across the construction landscape, SBR helps to align interests, capabilities and research for greater collective impact.

Shaping the Future

As a leading voice in construction research, SBR helps shape policies, regulations, standards and procurement criteria. Their quantitative insights and qualitative perspectives carry weight, informing long-term visions that transform the status quo. SBR also empowers the next generation, supervising promising students conducting groundbreaking research.

Knowledge is Power

Distilling research into practical guidelines, models, tools and training is fundamental for SBR. By making knowledge accessible and applicable for businesses of all sizes, they ensure innovation can scale to market needs. SBR’s state-of-the-art facilities also allow companies to analyze materials, validate concepts and collaborate.

A Legacy of Achievement

For over eight decades, SBR has delivered pioneering research and solutions that redefine what is possible. As a trusted partner, they continue responding to emerging demands and opportunities. With an ever-growing repertoire of projects, networks and knowledge assets, SBR is cementing a legacy of achievement for the future.

Looking Ahead

Rising complexity and new technologies will reshape construction radically. SBR focuses research on digitalization, system integration, circularity and meeting sustainability goals. While change brings challenges, SBR sees immense possibility to make infrastructure smarter, more flexible and environmentally benign. They invite partners to tap into their expertise and infrastructure in shaping the next era.

Join the Movement

Reenergizing the built environment requires an integrated effort from committed players. SBR’s independent position allows them to align research priorities without vested interests. They keep innovating but results mean nothing unless adopted into practice. That is why SBR strives to co-create solutions that meet real needs. Together, we can build smarter and make construction truly sustainable.

A Global Vision

With climate change a borderless crisis, improving construction requires international coordination around research and standards. While SBR’s work focuses on the Netherlands, they increasingly contribute to European projects and global knowledge exchange. Only by learning from each other can we make systemic progress. SBR’s research and vision thus stretches across countries and cultures.


Stichting Bouwresearch pioneers leading-edge innovations that help construction become more sustainable, efficient and technologically advanced. As an independent institute conducting practice-oriented research for over 85 years, they make invaluable contributions across the built environment’s entire lifecycle. SBR bridges the gap between knowledge and impact by partnering with key players to embed solutions into real projects. With pioneering research infrastructure and a strong track record, SBR will continue breaking new ground, aligning innovations to market needs. Their collaborative drive and global outlook provide hope that the industry can genuinely transform in meeting urgent environmental and social challenges ahead.


What does SBR research focus on?

SBR carries out practice-oriented research spanning the entire construction process – from materials and techniques to design, production, management and maintenance. Key focus areas include sustainability, circularity, digitalization, renovation and smart infrastructure.

What facilities does SBR have?

SBR has state-of-the-art research infrastructure including materials and structural testing labs, a climate chamber, demonstration centers and flexible workspaces for collaboration. Companies can analyze materials, validate concepts and develop solutions using SBR facilities.

How does SBR make an impact?

As well as publishing scientific papers, SBR distills research into practical guidelines, tools and models for the industry. By facilitating extensive knowledge exchange and contributing to policies and regulations, SBR ensures innovation makes a tangible real-world difference.


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