All You Need to Know about Mullien Tea


mullein tea

The fuzzy leaves and flowers of the mullein provides a healthy and strong tea. Read on to learn the complete details about mullein tea.  

What is Mullein?

Mullein is a fuzzy-leaved plant which grows wild, opening spaces in sunny areas. The yellow flowers on a tall stem have a fuzzy texture like the leaves. All parts of the mullein have been used medicinally, but leaves and flowers are brewed into tea.


Mullein tea has gained popularity with many effects and health benefits. Here are some  evidence-based ways to improve your health using Mullein tea.

  • Alleviates cough and chest congestion
  • Soothes sore throat 
  • Improves lung health
  • Reduces respiratory infections
  • Anti-inflammatory properties for joint pain
  • Helps control blood sugar
  • Promotes bowel regularity  
  • Cleanses and supports the urinary tract
  • Anti-spasmodic to ease menstrual cramps
  • Natural sedative that aids relaxation and sleep  

How to Make Mullein Tea

Making mullein tea at home is easy. 

Here are simple instructions for how to make mullein tea:


  • 1-2 teaspoons dried mullein leaves and/or flowers
  • 8 oz water
  • Honey or lemon (optional)


  • Tea pot or French press
  • Mesh strainer
  • Mug 


1. Boil water in a kettle.

2. Measure the mullein, dried leaves, dried flowers, or a blend.

2. Place the mullein into a tea pot, French press or heat-proof jar.  

3. Pour the just-boiled water over the mullein. Cover it for 10 minutes or up to 15 minutes for stronger infusion.

4. After steeping,Strain the infusion through a fine mesh sieve into mugs lined with cheesecloth. Using French press push down the plunger to filter the infusion.

5. Optional: Stir honey, lemon juice or other flavorings into the mullein tea to taste. 

6. Drink and enjoy while hot. 

Adjust the mullein amount to your taste preferences for strength. Savor this earthy, floral and lightly bitter tea. Mullein leaf or flower tea bags can also be purchased for convenience and are prepared like any other tea.

Side Effects and Precautions  

Drinking this tea can also have bad effect if you drink it in high amount. Here they are:

  • Diarrhea -Drinking big amount of mullein tea can cause loose stools or diarrhea. You can reduce intake if this occurs.
  • Skin irritation – Handling mullein leaves can cause contact dermatitis in some people. Wear gloves when making large amounts of mullein tea. Rashes or skin redness may occur.
  • Allergic reactions – Those with plant pollen allergies may be sensitive to mullein flower pollen, which could trigger hives, swelling, or breathing difficulty. Discontinue use if allergic reaction starts.
  • Sleepiness – It occurs due to sedative compounds in mullein tea with large amounts. 
  • Pregnancy/breastfeeding concerns – Not enough safety research exists to recommend consuming mullein tea during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Exercise caution and seek medical guidance first.

Additionally, only purchase mullein tea from reputable sources and properly prepare it to prevent contamination or mold exposure. Start will small quantities when first using mullein tea to check for personal tolerance and potential reactions. Seek prompt medical attention if a severe reaction occurs.


Overall, mullein tea is a worthwhile traditional remedy to keep on hand through cold/flu season. It can be consumed preventatively or acutely to help alleviate congestion and coughs thanks to its soothing and clearing effects. Mullein tea is a traditional folk remedy that modern science is catching up with. Extracts have antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties that provide mullein tea benefits scientifically confirmed in initial lab and animal studies. However, no large human trials have been conducted. Mullein tea remains an extremely safe, natural health supplement that shows future potential based on traditional uses and emerging research. Most healthy adults can try mullein tea to help soothe cough, congestion, sore throat, and more – especially if you prefer natural remedies over medications.     


Is Mullein tea safe for pregnancy?  

Mullein tea does not provide enough eafety in pregnancy. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should exercise consult their doctor first.

Is Mullein tea Good for child?

Most evidence only backs the safe use of mullein tea for adults. Since research on children is lacking, do not give mullein tea to young children without first consulting their pediatrician.

How often can you drink mullein tea?

For general wellness, 1 cup of mullein tea per day is commonly recommended. Those using mullein to treat acute symptoms can drink up to 3 cups daily. Extended daily use over months should only be done after consulting a doctor.

Will mullein tea help to sleep?

With sedative and soothing properties, tea taken an hour before bedtime helps if you have difficulty falling asleep.


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