Boost Your Health with the Best Magnesium Supplements


Best Magnesium Supplements

Choosing the right magnesium supplement can help fill this critical nutrient gap and provide a variety of benefits. This article will explore the reasons to supplement with magnesium, outline the best types of magnesium supplements, and provide tips for safe usage.

Why Supplement with Magnesium?

Getting adequate magnesium ensures your body can carry out these crucial processes. Boosting your intake with a supplement can help prevent deficiencies while promoting overall wellness.

The Best Magnesium Supplements

When shopping for a magnesium supplement, you will find several forms available. Two of the most highly bioavailable and absorbable options are magnesium glycinate and magnesium l-threonate.

Magnesium glycinate contains magnesium bound to glycine, which is soothing on the gastrointestinal tract. This form is gentler on digestion compared to other kinds of magnesium. It also easily permeates cell membranes for efficient absorption at a cellular level.

Magnesium l-threonate features magnesium bound to l-threonate, a compound that more readily enters and accumulates in the brain. Animal studies show magnesium l-threonate effectively crosses the blood-brain barrier to increase magnesium concentrations in the brain. This makes it an intriguing choice for cognitive health.

For general wellness, magnesium glycinate and magnesium l-threonate deliver superior absorption and results. They are worth the slightly higher cost compared to cheaper forms like magnesium oxide. Start with the lowest effective dose based on the packaging recommendations and work upwards from there.

Tips for Safe, Effective Supplementation

When adding a magnesium supplement to your daily wellness routine, keep these tips in mind:

  • Take your magnesium supplement with food for gentler absorption, especially if you experience digestive discomfort when taking supplements on an empty stomach.
  • Spread out your dosage throughout the day rather than taking it all at once for steadier nutrient delivery.
  • Pay attention to how you feel after starting magnesium supplementation to help find your optimal individual dose and form.
  • Look for reputable supplement brands that undergo third-party testing for purity and potency. High-quality magnesium supplements ensure accuracy and safety.

Reap the Rewards

Correcting a magnesium deficiency and maintaining adequate stores of this critical mineral can profoundly impact wellness. Optimize your intake by incorporating a highly bioavailable magnesium supplement like glycinate or l-threonate into your routine. Pair your chosen supplement with a balanced diet focused on whole foods to experience the full benefits of magnesium for body and mind. With this simple daily practice, you can defend against deficiencies, address nutrient gaps, support key body processes, and boost overall health.


Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in health, yet deficiency is common due to inadequate dietary intakes. Choosing to supplement with a highly absorbable form of magnesium such as glycinate or l-threonate can help fill nutrient gaps. Ensuring optimal magnesium levels supports various aspects of health, including energy, sleep, mood, bone, muscle, nerve and heart function. Supplementing safely requires selecting a reputable brand, taking no more than 350 mg per day without medical supervision, spreading out dosages, and taking it with food if digestively sensitive. Pairing magnesium supplementation with a healthy, balanced diet creates the ideal scenario for defending against deficiency, addressing nutrient shortfalls and promoting overall wellness. With the variety of benefits magnesium offers, adding a thoughtfully-chosen supplement to your routine is a simple yet powerful way to boost whole-body health.


Q: How much magnesium should I take each day in supplement form?

A: Most people can safely take up to 350 mg of supplemental magnesium per day in addition to dietary magnesium intakes. 

Q: What is the best time to take magnesium?

A: You can take any time, However, many people prefer splitting up their dosage morning and evening for steadier nutrient delivery. Others find taking it just before bed helps promote restful sleep.

Q: Are magnesium supplements safe?

A: Magnesium supplements are generally safe when taken at appropriate dosages. However, very high amounts may provoke gastrointestinal side effects like diarrhea. As with any supplement, check with your doctor about potential interactions before starting a magnesium regimen. Avoid magnesium if you have kidney disease.

Q: How long does it take to work?

A: Some people observe subtle improvements right away while for others it takes several weeks of consistent use for benefits to emerge. Over the long-term, adequate magnesium lessens the risk of developing deficiencies that can impact physical and mental health.

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